Pursuing Life on a Planet That’s 1,000 Years Away


Earth may not be hospitable to humans forever. If we wish to prolong our existence, we need entertain the idea of relocating. Mars, while conveniently close, likely cannot host life without extensive adaptation. Another planet, Proxima b (which orbits the star Proxima Centauri) proves more possible, as its surface temperatures could accommodate water, and thus life. But, the journey in a ship big enough to carry passengers (and supplies) would take over 1,000 years. Generations would be born in-flight and be raised solely to control the vessel. Food would be produced without sunlight or soil, and—in many’s eyes—humans would exist in conditions that aren’t conducive with mental health. Wild as it may seem, there is a large network of scientists, astronauts and more researching options for this kind of “multi-generation space travel.” Read more at OneZero.


Source link https://coolhunting.com/tech/new-life-planet-1000-years-away/