Dana Kearley’s Artwork Explores and De-Stigmatizes Disability and Chronic Illness – COOL HUNTING®


Through her bright, cute and cheerful illustrations, Vancouver-based artist Dana Kearley explores and communicates the many nuanced ways that people exist and move through the world with disabilities and illness—de-stigmatizing it along the way. Her works often feature worms, snails and turtles, animals that “symbolize the way some of us move though the world, at a slower pace, but we’re still going in the same direction,” Kearley tells Elfie Thomas at It’s Nice That. Other creatures are used to communicate specific body parts and illnesses—for instance, butterflies are the pelvic bone. Kearley not only explores her own experiences in a “sick and disabled body,” but also hopes to create healing and understanding in others. Read the full interview at It’s Nice That.

Image courtesy of Dana Kearley, “Disabled Snowperson” (Copyright © Dana Kearley, 2021)


Source link https://coolhunting.com/culture/dana-kearleys-artwork-explores-and-de-stigmatizes-disability-and-chronic-illness/

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