Rustment 24/7 Will Be Peak Call of Duty When It Launches Next Week


It wouldn’t be Call of Duty without a playlist dedicated to non-stop, in-your-face action. Usually, that takes the shape of a Shipment 24/7 or Nuketown 24/7 playlist, depending on which game is out. Next week, we are getting a double whammy called Rustment 24/7. 

What is Rustment 24/7? Rust and Shipment. All day long. It’s a limited-time playlist (for now) coming in next week’s playlist update. It’ll feature popular modes like Team Deathmatch, Domination, and more. 

Rust made its first appearance in the franchise with the original Modern Warfare 2 back in 2009. Shipment was first playable in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Who can forget the Martyrdom perk and 3x frag grenades? New Call of Duty fans would flip if they played Call of Duty 4 today. Hell, all of us would. 

These 24/7 playlists on small maps are a staple of the franchise. What makes them popular? A couple of reasons. If you’re only playing multiplayer and want to level guns faster, firing up a weapon XP token on Shipment is about as fast as it gets. The same goes for certain camo challenges. 

Rust 24/7 is already part of the playlist rotation, but some folks prefer Shipment since it’s smaller. 

Rustment 24/7 and Highrise 24/7 are set to launch in six days. That would be next Thursday (November 30) around 1 pm EST. 

Sledgehammer Games also recently hinted at adding different gameplay mechanics in their Experimental Playlists, including possibly ‘Wrap Killstreaks.’ This would allow you to earn your killstreaks again in the same life. It’s already an option in private matches, so it should be pretty easy to add it to a playlist.

There is no word on how long Rustment 24/7 will stick around. Also, look for bigger playlist updates as the launch of Season 1 approaches on December 6. We haven’t seen a major Warzone playlist update since the Halloween event, but that’ll change with the launch of Urzikstan in Season 1. 


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