Cellato Byakuya Ice Cream | Uncrate


It has an unusual ingredient list, including Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, sakekasu, a paste-like substance created during sake production, edible gold leaf, and white truffles sourced exclusively from Alba, Italy, the latter of which is why Cellato Byakuya Ice Cream was recently crowned the most expensive in the world. The name comes from those signature white truffles, which can sell for up to $14,500 per kg on their own. Development took over a year and involved chef Tadayoshi Yamada of Rivi, a French-Japanese restaurant in Osaka Japan. The decadent treat arrives with a metal spoon handmade by Takeuchi craftsmen using techniques and materials taken from temple and shrine construction.


Source link https://uncrate.com/cellato-byakuya-ice-cream/

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